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Showing posts from January, 2020

how to be the CEO of getting rejected (take it from me)

Yuck.  When I think of the word rejected I just think of that one episode of Zoey 101 where they follow that guy around chanting “RE-JE-CT-ED YEAH YOU JUST GOT REJECTED!!” It haunts me. HAUNTS me. Y’all I dunno if I wanna talk about this it hurts my feelingsssssss. Okay screw it fine.*long sigh*  I got my feelings hurt (cue the worlds tiniest violin). I’m talking HURT hurt. CEO of getting rejected. BIG ouch. Anyways.  Rejection is one of those weird things. You know what it reminds me of? Being like, 11 and you fall off the swing set and you actually got hurt but you just start to laugh and jump in circles and act like you’re not hurt even though your ears are ringing and you can’t feel your elbow.  It’s like that. It’s the worlds largest cringe. Like all of the oceans on this earth just rear up and vomit into one giant cringe tsunami. When I face rejection, I want to puke, cry, hide, and die all at the same time. I think the ...

introducing grace klapatiuk: taking a minute

Hi everyone, my name’s Grace and I’m about to be a relatable teen.  When I saw Haleigh was offering a spot on the blog, I was hella down. Then I realized, that oh right, you actually have to have something to write about. So I started brainstorming what I wanted to talk about. Every time I thought of something, the idea was too personal, at least to me. That’s when I figured that if I was going to write something, and make any kind of difference, it had to be personal.   Growing up I was mostly a happy kid, high energy (no sugar for me!!), and outgoing. I was good at a lot of things and I am really competitive. This gave me a lot of confidence as a child and all of a sudden, as a teenager a ton of that was taken away from me. I would get a ton of comments about being too skinny, having probably the lightest eyebrows you’ve ever seen on a dark haired girl, and being annoying (probably the worst thing ever). My self confidence from grade 8-11 was easily the lowest it’s...